But that is just the beginning.
Next week we get 39 new missionaries in our mission. 39! That is a crazy number! To give you an idea of how truly crazy it is, here's a fun fact: it is the largest transfer in North America EVER. Our mission is starting a time of incredible growth, and as President Morgan told us last Friday, if we get this right, miracles will happen. One of the 39 missionaries is a new sister for Chinatown. We are so excited for her to come! We still don't know who will be training her yet, so we (well, I) and sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting to find out. By next transfer we will have two additional sisters in Chinatown, so all of the Mandarin speakers in South Manhattan will be training. I never thought I would train so early in my mission! I guess the Lord has his own plan though, and I should get used to tagging along for the ride.
At our leadership training meeting last Friday, President Morgan (who is pretty much exactly the kind of leader I want to be) talked to us about "locking in truth and locking out the world." He taught us that it is important to remember what is actually important in missionary work. We need to be focused on what the Lord wants us to do, not on what we think is best. I have seen that over and over again in my teaching since then. We have talked to less actives and investigators about how to let the Lord guide us, rather than thinking we always know best. Too often we fall into patterns of "I want this now, why isn't He giving me this blessing?" or "That wasn't the answer I wanted - I'm going to go do this instead." We don't necessarily say those words to ourselves, but I know I have had situations where those thoughts have run through my head. It all comes down to locking in eternal truths: the Lord know's what's best, He loves us, and He has given us guidance through personal revelation and living prophets to help us become the best people we can be. That conference is going to be one I remember for a long time.
Thank you all for the support you give me and other missionaries. I can safely say we appreciate all of the prayers, love, and kindness you give us. Thank you for all you do!
Sister Beer