Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In which Sister Beer does some repenting and finally writes a blog post

Okay.  I really did mean to write last week, I promise.  So many good things happened that I wanted to share with you!  I even wrote a little outline in my planner of what I wanted to write.  And then suddenly there were lessons and no internet at the chapel and... no blog post.

But I'm here now, and that's what counts, right?

Chinatown is still here, in case you were wondering.  There is still missionary work happening, and I am still incredibly happy and grateful to be here.  Even though not every day is easy, I always seem to be learning something.  Actually, it is because days aren't easy I am learning something.  That seems to be how the Lord works, if Ether 12:6, 27 are any indication.

Sister Murray, you will be happy to know your son is still as musically gifted as ever.  On Monday I had the awesome opportunity to go to President Morgan's home and perform with Elder Murray and Elder Foley at a special Family Home Evening for a departing member of our mission presidency and his family.  We performed three pieces (all arranged by Elder Murray) with Elder Murray on piano, Elder Foley playing flute, and me singing in various combinations.  It was awesome.  I am so grateful for the opportunities my mission has provided for me to share my testimony through music!  Also, it was a lot of fun to work with the Elders doing music things - they are both pretty fantastically talented.

It was especially cool to do since Elder Murray is currently serving upstate.  Usually when missionaries go up that means that we have little-to-no contact with them at all for the time they are out of Chinatown.  This will make time number two I have seen Elder Murray since he left.  (The first was at the Yankees game a few weeks ago, which was a lot of fun, by the way.  Once the church computer is up an running again I'll send pictures!)  It was pretty awesome.

We are teaching this awesome woman right now who is literally the best investigator ever.  She likes to begin lessons by asking us questions she has written down while studying the Book of Mormon.  I think this may be a first for me on my mission.  She is a true seeker-of-truth, which I absolutely love.  We taught her a lesson earlier this week and Sister Lee sat in with us.  After we were done she said "wow, she really is the best investigator ever."  Yeah.  It's true.

Making up for two weeks without boring you all to tears is hard.  I'd better not skip again.

One thing before I go.  This morning I was studying in 2 Nephi 12, at the beginning of the Isaiah chapters.  I love that the first thing Nephi decides to record from Isaiah is about the temple.  "[...] Come ye, and let us go to the mountain [temple] of the Lord, [...] and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths [...]"  How awesome is that?  In the temple we are taught about the ways of the Lord, and how to become more like him.  We are taught more completely how we fit into the Plan of Happiness and what we can do to better fulfill our role in that plan.  What an incredible gift!  The blessings of the temple, the knowledge of God, are available to any who are willing to follow Him and keep His commandments.  It's pretty incredible, when you stop and think about it.

I love all of you.  I hope this week is everything you want it to be and more!

Much love,

Sister Beer

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Gift of Tongues

Dear all,

I don't have much time to write, since we are going to a Yankees game in about two seconds.  I just want to say I love you all, the gospel is true, and we'll see you next week!

Much love,
Sister Beer

P.S. A section from a letter sent to Sister Beer's mother:

On a side note: the gift of tongues is real.  Before I left on splits [with a spanish-speaking sister] I said a fervent prayer that I would be able to understand and contribute in the lessons I attended while in Inwood.  I figured this wasn't too grand a request since 1) the Lord can do anything and 2) I took a few years of Spanish in high school, as well as grew up with Spanish influences in my home.  

In the first lesson we taught we worked with a less active member named Candida who has no real desire to come to church.  She is a wonderful, sweet woman, she just hasn't quite made the connection that going back to church will help her with the problems she is facing right now.  While we sat talking with her, I felt impressed to share my testimony of sharing testimonies.  I turned to Sister Portugal and asked if she could translate for me, but then Candida said "No, she can do it," I would assume since she heard me reading in Spanish before.  She then looked at me expectantly.  

I started speaking, and, while it wasn't perfect, and I needed help with a couple of words, I was able to bear my testimony to her about how much Heavenly Father loves her and wants her to share her testimony with other people at church.  I told her that she would be able to help build other people's faith with her own.  I'm pretty sure I didn't learn most of those words in Spanish class.  I could feel the Spirit, and I was so grateful for that answer to a prayer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Cycle, New Expectations

Hello all!

Transfers were this week, and boy, are we seeing some change in Chinatown.

Possibly most significant is the fact that Elder Murray and Elder Ling are going upstate.  We are really going to miss them here.  I realized also that Elder Murray and I have been in the same district or zone for the last eleven months.  That's a long time.  He is a fantastic missionary, and someone who's work and dedication (not to mention musical ability) I greatly admire.  Upstate is going to love him.  In return, though, we are getting Elder Zander back, and he will be training Elder Leung from Hong Kong.  Hooray for new missionaries!

I have been transferred out of my area, but am still in Chinatown.  I will be working with Sister Woo as a Sister Training Leader in Manhattan.  What that means is that we will go and do exchanges with sisters in the four Manhattan zones to help train and evaluate their work.  It should be a great experience, and I have been wanting to work with Sister Woo essentially since the beginning of my mission.  She is from Singapore, rock climbs, is studying mechanical engineering at BYU, and is lots of fun to be around.  I'm super excited!

Looking back at the last cycle, I have seen an incredible amount of change.  Sister Lee (who I am really going to miss being companions with) and my area went from a mediocre to a strong area.  We have solid investigators who are progressing towards baptism, great less actives who are coming back to activity, and solid members who are willing to help us do missionary work.  What more could a missionary ask for?  It's incredible.  Beyond that, I have seen incredible personal growth and have felt an increased connection with my Heavenly Father.  It has been a great cycle, and one that has shown me that it really is through small things that great things come to pass.

For example, this last week we had one of our less actives officially come back into activity.  I have been teaching her since January, when she was not attending church, seldom praying and not reading scriptures at all.  Since then she has started reading, praying every day, has changed her work schedule to come to church, and has seen miracles in her life as a direct result of keeping commandments.  She is worthy and willing to partake of the sacrament.  Her testimony is incredible!  

As I was talking with one of my zone leaders this week I wondered how it was possible she hadn't become reactivated earlier.  He said "Maybe no one took the time to really focus on her like you two have."  It made me stop and think.  Our making the effort to go and visit, even when it seemed like she wasn't making progress at all, was an act of faith in her and in the Lord on her behalf.  That faith resulted in a miracle. (See 2 Nephi 27:23 for more on that note.)

I love you all.  You are amazing, and I am lucky to have your love and support!

Until next week,
Sister Beer