Thursday, November 15, 2012

That one time I translated Sacrament Meeting . . .

Yeah, that happened.  And surprisingly, it wasn't all that bad.  This week Sister Liu and I were assigned to translate Sacrament Meeting (our Sunday service).  When I found out, I kind of freaked out.  Like, about a half hour of "WHY did they assign us to translate??" freaking out.  Since I am the native English speaker in the companionship, and my English is better than Sister Liu's, I was the logical choice to translate. Except for the fact that I usually can only understand other people's Mandarin when they speak really slow and say it more than once.  Luckily I have a very patient and spiritually sensitive companion.  After a few talks with Sister Liu, she reminded me of the power of faith and that if we trust the Lord, we can do anything He wants us to.  Partway through the week we found out that it was the Primary Program this week, and that a majority of the meeting would actually have to be translated from English into Mandarin for the congregation.  We decided that I would do the Chinese-->English translation, and Sister Liu would do the English-->Chinese translation with help from me if I felt comfortable.  After a few intense language studies and a LOT of praying the day came and the meeting happened, with a flawed, but passable translation on my part.  (Sister Liu did an amazing job, by the way.  Her English comprehension is awesome.)  There were a few times when I had to turn to the English speakers and say "I have no idea what they just said," but for the most part I was able to get the idea across.  That experience done, one of my new goals is to be able to translate in meetings by the end of the cycle.

In other news, Sister Liu and I have started running.  Take as much time as you need to pick your jaw up off the floor.  Despite my long-lived abhorrence of running and everything like unto it, running is one of the only options of exercise left to us now that our downstairs neighbors have objected to our morning exercise, using words like "moving furniture."  Yeah... I'd rather not have my movement compared to a sofa, thanks.  But, out of respect to them and respect for our bodies, we are now venturing out into the world for our daily exercise.

A thought before I leave you: this week we had two member present lessons.  This is a pretty big deal for us, since it is very difficult in Chinatown for people to find time in their schedules to come to investigator lessons.  Can I just say how much I love having members at our lessons?  It brings a wonderful spirit and a great resource for the investigator to have a friend they can talk to, and someone besides the missionaries testifying of truth.  I challenge any who have the opportunity to go with the missionaries and share their testimony.  You have no idea how much good you will do in helping that person as they come closer to Christ.

That's all I have for you this week.  I love you all!

Sister Beer

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