Friday, August 23, 2013

And the winner is...Chinatown!

Transfers have come and gone, and I am still in my beloved Chinatown.  I switched areas and companions, and Sister Khong and I have been reunited!  By the end of this cycle, I will have been in Chinatown for a full year, serving in all three of the Sisters' areas here.  Pretty cool stuff.

I'm still serving as a Sister Training Leader, and will be over the now 10 (including Sister Khong and me) companionships in Manhattan.  It is going to be a party.  A really tiring, awesome party.

One sad bit of news: Elder Mok, after two years of service, has left us to return to Hong Kong.  I can't really imagine Chinatown without him.  As always, though, we will adjust soon to our new circumstances and the work will go on.  That's kind of how life is.

On the bright side, the incredible Sister Toronto has now joined our motley crew of missionaries!  She is pretty fantastic.  Not only is she a fellow BYU theatre major, but her experience living in Beijing for 13 years makes her an invaluable addition to our zone.  I'm so happy she is here!!

It's hard to leave my old area.  Even though I know that Sister Woo and Sister Toronto (oh yeah, that companionship is happening :] ) are going to do great there, I have really grown to love the people I served.  Sister Woo has been a wonderful companion.  I will always remember how much she supported and taught me in the two cycles we worked together.

But, as they say, onward and upward!  Life goes on, missionary work stands to be done, and the Lord has a plan, so we really just have to trust Him.  As Sister Elaine S Dalton reminds us, the Lord doesn't really like us to be in comfort zones, and knows how to help us to grow to be the people He needs us to be. (See

I love you all so much.  Thank you for continued letters and prayers, as well as a willingness to serve in your own areas.  You are wonderful!

Sister Beer

This is our zone the night before transfers.  I'm going to miss Elder Mok a lot.

The Chinatown Sisters for this cycle!  Sister Toronto is the one right in the middle.

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