Monday, December 24, 2012

Of Music and Miracles

[Disclaimer: Sister Beer wrote this last Wednesday, so her performance has already happened. Her sister is slow and just barely got this posted.]

So, this week was awesome.
This upcoming Friday is our Mission Christmas Devotional, in which several of my district's elders are performing.  (Remember when I told you that we have a piano and a flute performance major in our district?)  I have been enjoying listening to them practice and work on their respective numbers over the past week and a half.  On Saturday I received a call from President Morgan asking if I would conduct the music for the program.  I was told to go to Scarsdale on Monday for rehearsal.  He ended the call by saying "I hear you have a flair for putting these things together," and then said goodnight.  I didn't think much of it.  Perhaps I should have.
When Sister Liu and I got to the rehearsal on Monday, we sat with the other performers and President went around introducing each of us and the part we would play in the program.  When he got to me, he said that I would be leading the music in addition to organizing the program! 
At that moment I realized that I should probably be taking notes.
Over the course of the next few hours, I listened to music, talked with President about speakers and topics, organized, directed, and went through the easiest blocking and tech rehearsal I have ever attended.  It was awesome!  I was actually using the training I have been receiving for the past three years to put together a program that will (hopefully) enrich the lives of the missionaries in this mission.  I am so excited to have been a part of it all, and am looking forward to Friday!
In keeping with the Christmas Spirit our Zone made cookies yesterday that we will be delivering to apartments in our buildings we live in.  It was fun to get together and have a Christmas experience.  Cookies are a huge part of my family's Christmas traditions, so I was glad to be able to make them on my mission!  (For those who are interested, we made gingersnaps, chocolate M&M cookies, peanut butter blossoms, and fudge.)
In other news, after a drought of new investigators, Sister Liu and I decided that something needed to change.  After a few companion studies and an awesome companionship inventory, we decided that we needed to pray for faith to find new investigators.  We started working on that, and after a few days, we found one!  We were so excited.  The next day, another one popped up, and the next day there was another.  By the end of the week we had three new investigators, more than we have had in weeks, and two of them were member referrals.  It was incredible, and we know that the Lord answered our prayers.
I'll let you all know how the program this week goes.  Since it will be after the 25th next time I write you (6 days!!), Merry Christmas!
Love you!
Sister Beer

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