Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Korean Companion (but not really)

So, apparently my companion looks like a Korean.  More than one person has come to church and asked "Oh, do you speak Korean too, here? She's Korean, right?"  It's pretty funny, since Sister Lee's parents are both from Taiwan...oh well.  We will educate Chinatown on this matter, one person at a time.

Speaking of Sister Lee, let's talk about an amazing missionary!  We have had a wide range of experiences this week, ranging from teaching awesome lessons with progressing investigators to being lectured by a pastor from Flushing for 20 minutes in the rain, and she has taken it all in stride.  I am impressed with her diligence and her willingness to take on the world.  Good things are going to happen here, I can tell.

Being a trainer is amazing, too.  One of my MTC teachers told me that being a trainer is the closest thing to being a parent before actually being a parent, and I am beginning to understand why.  I care so  much for this new missionary and want her to succeed!  I can see also how the Lord has prepared me for this experience in my life.  I realized the other day all of the time and effort that has gone into preparing me to serve in Chinatown, from living in Taiwan, to great church leaders who helped me to build my testimony, to an amazing family who has supported my choices to serve a mission, and how it is affecting me now.  It's incredible to see the blessings Heavenly Father has given me to help me get ready for these experiences.

I should tell you, Sister Lee is not the only new sister in Chinatown.  Sister Mackay is Sister Khong's new companion, and she is possibly one of the funniest people I have ever met.  Oh man.  We have probably laughed a little too much in the past few days.  She has a great sense of humor, and while her Mandarin is not quite where she wants it to be yet, I am completely confident that she will do amazing things here in Chinatown.  She has such unique experiences that have prepared her to work here, and a solid testimony of what is right and true.  I love her, and I am so glad we share an apartment. :)

This morning I was studying the conversion stories of King Lamoni and his father and I was struck by one thing.  In order to accept the gospel, they had to make a conscious decision to believe in God and believe what the missionaries were telling them.  Somewhere along the line in the questions Ammon and Aaron asked, they felt a witness from the Holy Ghost telling them that these things were true, and that led them to make the choice to believe the words of the missionaries.  I have decided to focus my studies and think about how I can help my investigators make that choice.  If anyone has comments from their own conversion, or about what they observed as they saw others make that decision, I would love to hear what you have to say!  You can either leave a comment on this post and it will be forwarded along, or you can send me a letter at the address on the right.

As always, thank you for the support and love that you give those of us out on missions.  This is the Lord's work, and I am happy to be a part of it!

Sister Beer

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