Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring isn't quite in the air, but it's getting closer.

Happy first day of Spring!  As much as the calendar says it's spring, New York does not seem to agree.  The high today is in the low 40s, with a low of 30 degrees.  Hopefully things will warm up a little here in the next bit, although I can't say I am looking forward to the 90 degree days with humidity that summer will bring.  Oh well.  I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there, right?  

My companion is thrilled that it is still cold.  She loves the cold, and frequently walks outside without a coat on saying "it's not that bad!"  I beg to differ.

Last Sunday we had an opportunity to help out with our ward's Relief Society Birthday Party.  During Relief Society we had a soup and bread meal (I made a chicken noodle soup that was pretty delicious, if I do say so myself) with fruit salad and cake for dessert.  It was a wonderful event where we were all able to gather as sisters (the Primary and youth leaders were there too, and the Young Women came to join us as well) and feel the Spirit together.  Because many of the American sisters in our ward serve in the auxiliaries, they do not get much opportunity to associate with the Relief Society.  It was wonderful to all be together and for them to be included in the wonderful group of women in our ward.

We had a great training yesterday specifically for trainers and trainees that focused on teaching the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and finding success in our work.  I loved what President Morgan shared on the subject.  Success is traditionally viewed as part goal-setting and part fulfilling those goals through work, but he said that recently he has heard of missionaries that, though they set good goals and work hard to achieve them, do not feel successful.  He told us that after pondering for a while, he came to the conclusion that we are still missing a part of the equation.  That part is gratitude.  Gratitude for the success and opportunities that the Lord has given us in lessons, in contacting, in service, and in all other areas of missionary work.  I thought about it, and I completely agree.  Gratitude is necessary as we look at our personal success in achieving our goals.  As we are grateful, we are able to better see the blessings that Heavenly Father has given us because we are actively looking for them.

Speaking of things to be grateful for, in earlier blog posts, I talked a lot about my fears as it pertained to learning the language.  Recently I have seen a pretty huge miracle concerning this.  I have noticed a dramatic increase in my language abilities.  I can communicate and teach pretty much anyone I meet, from young intellectuals to old Fujianese men who have really thick accents.  It's not always easy to understand what they are saying, but more and more I am able to speak, understand, and, perhaps most surprising to me, read in Chinese.  I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve Mandarin speaking.  I can tell already that it is going to bless my life and the lives of others as I continue to develop this skill.

Thank you as always for the love and support you give me and other missionaries.  We are grateful for the prayers and missionary efforts you give!

Sister Beer

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