Monday, August 12, 2013

Consistency is all I ask!

If you don't recognize that quote... I'll tell you after my mission.  Or you can look it up yourself. :)

The weather here has been BEAUTIFUL recently.  After the incredible heat of July, August has been awesome.  I even have been wearing some of my lighter cardigans because it has been slightly cool.  That being said, it's still in the 70s.  It just feels cooler than the 90s, where it was before.

Sister Woo and I are working on consistency with our less actives right now.  For a long time, we have just been meeting with them when they have time, or when we think to call them, but we have decided that we want to introduce the idea of regular meetings, whether over the phone or in person, with our people.  I firmly believe that regular exposure to elements of the gospel will produce an increased desire to have those teachings as a part of our lives.  That has happened with multiple less actives I have worked with over the course of my mission, and I hope that it will work with more.  While it is true that some people need a little bit of time to "come to [themselves]," as the parable of the prodigal son states, we have to be ready when that moment arrives.  Committing many of our less actives to bi-weekly or monthly meetings is a way that I think will help them to get to the point where they have a desire to put the Lord first, not just high on the list.  Or at least, that's what I'm praying for.  Feel free to pray with me on that.
I take comfort in the fact that the Lord "does not work in darkness," and that He invites ALL people to come unto Him (see 2 Nephi 26:23-25, 27).  As a missionary and as a member of His church, I get to be a part of his work.  We also do not have to work in darkness, and if we do, we are actually doing it contrary to how the Lord wants us to.  I think one of the reasons there has been such a huge emphasis on missionary work in the Church recently is because we have to learn this principle.  It's a tough lesson, but a great one once we get it, because it's then that we are able to experience the joy the Lord talks about in D&C 18:15-16.
I love you all, and hope you are having an awesome week!
Sister Beer

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